Restoring Wood Bison in Alaska
bison differ slightly from the plains bison that once roamed south
of Canada. By the 1940s, they were considered extinct. Then, in
1957, about 200 wood bison were discovered in a remote area of Wood
Buffalo National Park, Canada.
As part of a bi-national conservation program, wood bison have recovered
substantially. Alaska began its restoration in 2003 and 2008. Sixty-six
wood bison, mostly from Elk Island National Park, Alberta were brought
to the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center in Portage. The captive
herd grew as Alaskans wrangled over if and where to release them
to the wild. Finally in 2015, 130 wood bison were released in the
Innoko/Yukon River area, near the small Athabascan community of
During the year after release, 22% of wood bison died as the once-captive
herd adjusted to the wild. Now that nature has selected the strongest
animals, there have been fewer deaths. Most fatalities have been
drownings, as bison broke through ice in beaver ponds. Some poaching
occurred. There has been no evidence of disease.
After declining during their first year in the wild, the herd began
to grow. There were about 140 bison in June 2017. Average body condition
(size and fat reserves) of the wild bison now exceed average condition
measured when the herd was in captivity. Twenty-five calves were
born in 2017 and 88% survived their first 6 months of life.
Most of the wood bison have stayed within 50 miles of their release
site, though a few have gone exploring. Biologists predict the herd
will grow at an accelerating rate. Once hunting begins, bison restoration
will bring meat to household tables locally and statewide. With
hunter spending contributing to local economies, experts predict
that the return on investment from the herd will be around 120 million
dollars over 50 years.
Although wood bison in Alaska are not plains bison in Montana, and
management issues will differ, the Innoko/Yukon River wood bison
restoration project demonstrates opportunities for bison restoration
on and near the Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge. In
this project, the bison responded well to “rewilding”.
Excerpted from Wood Bison News 10, 2018. |
Site designed and maintained
by Kathryn QannaYahu Kern |