Wildlife, including wild bison, are a public
trust resource, much like our air, water and public lands. Under
public trust doctrine, primary “trustees” are government
agencies in all branches of government – administration,
legislature and judiciary.* Trustees are responsible for maintaining
benefits of trust resources for all the people, present and
Public trust resources are managed, or ignored, in the public
political arena – alternatively with collaboration, compromise
or competition, even obstruction. Restoration of wild bison
has been a contentious issue; one not yet addressed by judicial
trustees. The politics of bison will ultimately depend upon
Montana laws and interpretations of the state Constitution.
In reviewing these, we find we find a solid basis for restoring
wild bison under Montana law.
*While government agencies, elected by the people, are primary
trustees for natural resources, the Montana Constitution (II,
section 3) directs that “ all persons recognize responsibilities”
to maintain our environment and our rights to it. Thus, we are
all trustees for our shared rights and resources.
Wild Bison and the Law
of Wildlife on Federal Lands
Site designed and maintained
by Kathryn QannaYahu Kern |