The Montana
Wild Bison Restoration Coalition is a grassroots
organization dependent upon volunteers with financial help from
our supporters. At this time, Coalition efforts are directed primarily
at our first goal: to disseminate information on issues and opportunities
for restoring wild, public bison to the Charles M. Russell National
Wildlife Refuge. Aside from maintaining this website, we are organizing,
publicizing and presenting information at public meetings around
Montana. Numerous handouts and documents are to be printed and
distributed. We hope to reprint copies of the Fish, Wildlife &
Parks publication: Background Information on Issues of Concern
for Montana: Plains Bison Ecology, Management, and Conservation.
We need all the help we can get. Be a contributor to this effort
using the secure online PayPal, your credit/debit card or a check.
All contributions, large or small, are much appreciated. However,
it is expected that achieving our second goal, to establish a
genetically-adequate herd of wild, public bison on the CMR Refuge,
will eventually require some political activity from the Coalition
and the people of Montana. Therefore, contributions may not be
tax deductible.
Thank you for being a contributor to
this important conservation effort.
Or, checks made out to:
Montana Wild Bison Restoration Coalition
P. O. Box 5317
Bozeman, MT, 59717
Site designed and maintained
by Kathryn QannaYahu Kern |